Any chance the war wont start tommorow night ?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Bush said if Saddam is not out in 48 hours, we will strike at a time of his choosing. This means it wont happen until at least 9 P.M. tommorow night, but he didnt say it was going to happen right at the 48 hour mark.

This sucks because I dont have Cable T.V. right now. I have mini satellite and I get all the Indianapolis stations ( 4, 6, 8, 13 and Fox 59 ). At night I can also get a few Ohio and Kentucky stations. I hardly ever watch T.V. because when I do have free time I am online.

I intentionally take Thursday and Friday off this week, so I can have a 4 day weekend just to watch these first 2 rounds and be lazy and now this may be shot.

Maybe I should call cable tommorow and see if they can hook me up within the day, but I doubt it. Please wait until Friday Night George. GIVE ME 2 DAYS OF GAMES.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
It won't start tomorrow night. It will start in the late afternoon on Thursday. I'm surprised this info isn't in TV Guide, its such a well guarded secret.
DannyMay, i would think it is a good bet you will miss the majority of the games without basic cable.

Unless you like waiting for CBSSportsline to update at their convenience, i say it's worth the cost of

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Yeah I am thinking about calling and seeing if they can hook it up that quickly. Its just outside of this, I dont even watch the channels I have. If not for sports, I would never watch Television.


Most people believe it is going down tonight. I hope you are right. Tommorow at about 5 p.m. , I get to see the early games and will probably be at sports bar for night games anyway.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm thinking it will start on Saturday at the earliest and Tuesday at the latest.

here is why.

Our forces train to fight at night.

The full moon was yesterday.

On Saturday there will be about 4 to 5 hours of complete darkness (from the end of twilite to moonrise)

On tuesday there will be almost 8 hours of complete darkness with the moonrise happening around 3:30 am (and then the moon will be at 30% to 40% of a full moon) and sunrise around 5:30 am.

The new moon is April 1st.

Monday could be the day. For one it is 7 days from the annoucement and there will be enough hours of darkness to operate.

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
I feel buddyboy has got an excellent observation here. Remember that initial reports had the Prez giving a 72 hour deadline, but he was pressured by his cronies to cut in half. Timing is essential in terms of strategy and the full moon is a primary concern. 3-5 days after the full moon is the preferred as it is not high in the sky, but does provide for some ambient light. The fuller it is the riskier the movements at night. I think that the Sat-Mon time frame is about right

Pray for the brave soldiers and the innocent.

Sure could use a trim

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